2025.01.04 23:53 OkPlatypus368 Flaw or part of the design?
I just noticed that my new Le Creuset oven has this perfect little hole in it. It doesn’t look like a chip on the enamel coating and almost looks like it’s meant to be there. This is my first LC and I have nothing to compare it to. Thoughts? I only bought it last week. Should I take it back? submitted by OkPlatypus368 to LeCreuset [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 sexy-Apricot What a menace
submitted by sexy-Apricot to GreatBritishMemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 WhateverKid237 I seen another subreddit do this, so I wanted to join the fun. Name any song that comes to mind regardless if it's been officially released or not and I'll let you know
submitted by WhateverKid237 to PinkPantheress [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 Iamthememe_now24 Salva when Not Working :D
Salva enjoys a Lot of things during her free time :)
(she likes to Have different hair styles but sticks to one when at Work, the first one is just morning hair lol) But that’s about it (ᵕ—ᴗ—) Upvote if you wish •ᴗ• submitted by Iamthememe_now24 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 ForeskinForDinner Need .2 more coins! please help!
Hi guys! if you’d be willing to help me with farmland referrals i’d be happy to help you back! my code is 61722038, once you do it for me i’d be happy to help you back, leave your username and code below and i’ll help you with whatever, thanks!
submitted by ForeskinForDinner to TemuThings [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 No_Caterpillar_5304 Dolby Surround vs DTS Neural:X
Which one do you use and why? Does DSU less aggressive upmixing means it’s more faithful and less artifacty than Neural:X?
submitted by No_Caterpillar_5304 to hometheater [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 grandadmiral99 [H] Marvel Legends, Black Series [W] Paypal
Marvel Legends:
Iron Patriot Avengers Endgame Wave (no BAF pieces): $20 shipped OBO
Black Series:
Jump Trooper: $10 shipped OBO
Moff Gideon: $9 shipped OBO
Clone Trooper Lieutenant: $10 shipped OBO
AT-ACT Driver: $9 OBO
Assault Tank Commander: $9 OBO
Gaming Greats Shadow Trooper: $9 OBO
submitted by grandadmiral99 to toyexchange [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 Zutraka looking for Dramas/love triangles complex character interaction and SPICE
i know im on the minority but i like alot of degen Anime. Tired of normal romance looking for more spice, Drama and love triangle are + Dont care for any thing what "sociecty" means normal so give me all the spice.
scums wish
domestic girlfriend
white album 2
oshi no ko
monogatari series
extra mention for rent a girlfriend , Valkyrie Dive and School days
submitted by Zutraka to AnimeReccomendations [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 bxcv358742 Single coil bridge pickup sounds thin
submitted by bxcv358742 to telecaster [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 Unique_Safe5136 Ist jemand on
submitted by Unique_Safe5136 to 18plusftm [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 TeaBooksAndACat Week 1 - Jacques Pépin: Vegetable and Oatmeal Soup
submitted by TeaBooksAndACat to 52weeksofcooking [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 sahlof0lina dúvida em relação à litispendência
TLDR; processo por danos morais, nosso advogado abandonou a ação, precisamos entrar com uma obrigação de fazer.
Basicamente: meus pais venderam uma casa em contrato de gaveta (mas foi reconhecido em cartório) e os compradores não tiraram a casa do nome dos meus pais até hoje, e pagam as prestações com muito atraso. Mas ainda pagam... a cada 5-6 meses. Eles pagam as prestações mais antigas só pro imóvel não ir pra leilão, e deixam o resto das prestações em atraso (é de má fé). Isso desde 2016.
Meus pais contrataram um advogado, mas ele moveu uma ação de danos morais contra os compradores e não uma obrigação de fazer. Depois, o advogado abandonou o caso (mas sem sair da ação fato; ele só não fazia mais nada e nem avisava meus pais) e nós perdemos a causa. Inclusive eu já fiz outro post aqui no sub detalhando mais a situação com o imóvel em si, pra quem quiser entender melhor.
Daí é que meus pais ainda estão com o imóvel no nome deles, já que não houve ação de obrigação de fazer, e também sem indenização por danos morais, já que perderam o processo por culpa do dito advogado.
Meus pais procuraram uma outra advogada e ela disse que NÃO TEM MAIS O QUE FAZER, porque se a gente entrar com outro processo contra essas pessoas seria litispendência, já que já houve uma ação movida pelo mesmo motivo.
E essa é minha dúvida: gente, é realmente litispendência? Eu não sou da área do direito, sou totalmente leiga, mas tipo... A primeira ação foi sobre danos morais, e a segunda seria uma obrigação de fazer. Por mais que sejam as mesmas partes envolvidas, não são causas diferentes?
E se for litispendência mesmo... gente, O QUÊ FAZER????
Nós não aguentamos mais... pelo amor de Deus. De 2016 pra cá, meus pais nunca mais tiveram o nome limpo. Eles não têm NADA, e o que tinha foi bloqueado na justiça por conta das dívidas dessa casa. E até eu entro na história porque meus pais tinham um CNPJ, mas tiveram que passar pro nome dos filhos (meu irmão e depois eu), já que era impossível fazer qualquer coisa com esse CNPJ atrelado a eles.
É simplesmente um TRANSTORNO e esse rolo não acaba, e não sabemos o que fazer. Daqui a pouco já dá uns dez anos que esses compradores estão na casa, e eu temo que eles consigam os direitos por usucapião, enquanto nós estamos aqui no prejuízo. Não temos nem dinheiro para ir atrás de um outro advogado.
obs: mods, não removam o post, por favor 😭
submitted by sahlof0lina to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 Additional_Good3392 Air bubbles in second hand tank, should I be worried ? Corners inside seem alright
I’m somewhat experienced in caulking so I can cut and replace, does it look like an issue? submitted by Additional_Good3392 to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 SomersinMelb Bartenders, what makes you remember a customer?
submitted by SomersinMelb to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 DKFever Violence is the Answer: Talk is cheap. Ammo is cheaper! USTZ/EUTZ C4 C4/C2 PVP WH Group (And yes, an actual USTZ Presence)
Hey Look! We hit top 3 most active corps (kills) in wormhole space this week! https://www.driftingloot.com/corps/
Welcome! With both a strong USTZ and EUTZ presence, Vita is in a great spot to offer you what you're looking for in jspace. What that might be, you ask? Allow me to illustrate! Our corp is about positivity, content, pvp, and disciplined fleet, corporate and administrative processes to ensure that our pilots are able to keep logging on every day, having fun playing the game with the support structure in place to keep them flying and blowing things up day in and day out.
What does that look like from a pilots perspective?
2025.01.04 23:53 Think-Swimmer2872 [H] paypal/40k/malifaux [W] Genestealers/guard [Loc] Chicago
25 - 18x termagants 2x leviathan nids
35 - NIB gargoyles
Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum
40 - unbroken gw+
45 - Tanks (4x)
5 - 3x ancient shitty guard units
10 - heavy gunner (missing arm)
25 - 3 bullgryn (cracked weapons)
Sisters/Adepta Soritas
20 - thurga and dolan
5 - random repentina sister
10 - translucent Bete Noire NOS
30 - the dreamer starter set (metal)
30 - kiari resurrectionist starter set (metal)
submitted by Think-Swimmer2872 to Miniswap [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 JarJarBinks8275 Come Join the Phoenix Alliance!
submitted by JarJarBinks8275 to SWGOHRecruiting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 DazzlingSquash6998 My Nyota girls arrived! I love them so much
submitted by DazzlingSquash6998 to PopMartCollectors [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 Kaiser_Grasshopper Good progress.
Well inhabitants of this sub i have some good news. I started training for cfa and have had good progress! I got 2 years so it's all good rn but my goal is to kill the thing when I get to it. Been keeping my grades to at least an a- i start robotics in a few weeks. I will share my progress every 6 months or when something big happens to keep me motivated. I've been going with my dad to do stuff with the cattleman's association. Keeps me in touch with my congressman,also can look shiny on an application maybe. Anyways track an field starts soon so I may try out. This is update 1 feel free to leave anything I could do better to get in.
submitted by Kaiser_Grasshopper to westpoint [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 WhoIsJolyonWest US Confirms Russian GenAI Disinformation Op Targeted Election
submitted by WhoIsJolyonWest to Left_News [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 Future_Elephant6611 A little gunplahumor
submitted by Future_Elephant6611 to Gunpla [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 Slv_Surfur Look at that body 😩
submitted by Slv_Surfur to xxo_mell [link] [comments] |
2025.01.04 23:53 jyguy USA passport renewal
I’m curious what the current turnaround times have been lately for passport renewals. I regularly visit on the 60 day visa exemption or Thai e-visa and do a 30 day extension, but I’m a little concerned if the renewal is taking up to 8 weeks, that will burn up most of the 60 day visa. My passport has plenty of valid time while I’ll be in Thailand, but I work internationally and I’ll need it renewed before I go back to work in August.
submitted by jyguy to Thailand [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 Zleetledee Spent a month making this and was so excited to show you guys and just realized I GOT THE BLOODY STUPID QUOTE WRONG. I’m so sorry Nadja my Queen, I will do 7 spits for the witch that cursed my stitch, then try again
submitted by Zleetledee to WhatWeDointheShadows [link] [comments]
2025.01.04 23:53 malzeri83 Bloodwine stopped to grow in Alien Containment at 58%. Cannot cut it, cannot destroy so cannot eliminate Containment if need so as well.
submitted by malzeri83 to subnautica [link] [comments] |