Almost done

2025.01.08 19:35 PezQueen0513 Almost done

submitted by PezQueen0513 to diamondpainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 PolitelyFedUp My partner calls his baths "(partner) bath scene"

Appreciation for the game, and my supportive partner lol.
submitted by PolitelyFedUp to TheArcana [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 ReferenceGold8576 Weight loss stalling

I need help troubleshooting. I started keto the day after Christmas and I initially lost 4 lbs but it was all from inflammation from eating sugar over the holidays. I then lost 2 lbs in the next week. I haven’t lost anything else since then not even .1 lbs. Is this typical? I have PCOS (hence why sugar gave me 4 lbs of swelling) The only carbs I’ve been eating are nuts when I’m craving sugar and I had a quarter of a latte once. I eat lots of meat, avocado, eggs, some tomato’s and lettuce and drink nothing but water. I also do have sour cream or homemade ranch occasionally for some pizzaz. I haven’t been watching my calories and besides working at Starbucks as a shift lead which means I’m running back and forth a lot and being a mom I haven’t been exercising but I plan to start this week. I’m also not watching calories the only thing I monitor is carbs and I stay under 20g/day. So knowing all this information am I doing something wrong, could I be doing something better, or is this typical?
submitted by ReferenceGold8576 to keto [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 InfamouslyJuniper I’m kind of embarrassed because I don’t talk to anyone day in and day out. How can I change

Hello. I’m on winter break before my last term of grad school, so I’m working on thesis and preparing to be a TA and applying to full time positions. I was a server most of grad school as it worked with my schedule but I let them know way ahead of time about the spring schedule and TA thing so they let me go pretty early. I have savings so that’s fine but my mom was really against the serving job saying I should work in my field already. I just couldn’t find anything like that so she tried to get me to work at her friends firm but it fell through. I went online for school because I was gonna work there, and it didn’t happen. My commute used to be 1.5 hours to school then 1.5 hours back so it was a change of pace.
I felt like I had more time to think about stuff and I got very lonely. I didn’t have friends at school really, I got bad at making friends. None from college too. I feel like a failure and my remaining friendships are basically surface level. So this whole semester I’ve been doing the same thing. I take a walk or two to have structure, do my work and study. I also go to the library. But I tell myself “I’ll do the social stuff when it’s winter break” and I tell myself I’ll be so productive. But I’m still doing the same. I use podcasts to fill the quiet. My cousin moved, sister doesn’t really like to talk. I try so hard to ask everyone to do things with me and they don’t want to so I go alone.
My family dynamic sucks too maybe I’m too morbid. But my grandma just talks about how I can’t trust friends and rants about how the family screwed her over. And that’s what happens whenever I try to talk to anyone in the family for advice or just chat. It’s that or my parents laughing at anything I’m doing. For context I live at home bc they told me to. I was gonna take a job they told me to. I just want to slowly change what I do and actually fix my socialization, my situation, and save money to move out. I’m not asking them for advice and I’m applying to jobs in my career field and had 2 interviews already. I just want some help with how to do the other stuff too. How do I break out of this shell? And why am I so judgment of myself but do nothing to change.
Btw: I took the serving job because it paid Well, worked around my grad hours, and they’ve always allowed me to work while I had other internships and class but they no longer can work around my sched
submitted by InfamouslyJuniper to lonely [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 No_Yam_3334 Sou babaca por querer terminar por esse motivo?

Tenho 24 anos Namoro a quase 8 anos e sempre via algumas coisas +18 no celular dele mas ele sempre dava alguma desculpa de que não era ele que pesquisava ou que era grupos que mandava, de alguma forma ele sempre contornava a situação e no final ainda me fazia sair como a errada da história por estar desconfiando dele. Porém teve um dia que eu consegui provas irrefutáveis, o perfil dele aqui no reddit com várias pesquisas de criadores que eu já tinha pegado no celular dele antes, foi então que ele confessou que era viciado em ver pornografia desde a adolescência e que tinha vergonha de contar isso. Me senti de certa forma traída e fiquei muito magoada, ele prometeu que iria parar e excluir tudo que fosse um gatilho pra ele. No começou acredito que ele tentou pois até na hora H estava diferente, com mais vontade. Passou um tempo e hoje vi que ele voltou a consumir esses conteúdos denovo, e ele fica fazendo comentários nojentos e me dá muito nojo de ver tudo isso, ele tem 28 anos e ver isso com essa idade é mais nojento ainda… Estou pensando em terminar e colocar um ponto final nisso porém estou em dúvida se estou errada em não ajudar a sair disso denovo…
submitted by No_Yam_3334 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 Rufiioooo Surveyor couldn’t access the property. Who is in the wrong?

Hi, hope this is ok to post here.
My partner and I (FTBs) had our offer accepted on a property before Christmas and had the level 3 survey booked for today. The property is vacant and the surveyor asked the estate agent to meet them at the house to let them in and show them around. The estate agent responded that that wasn’t their practice and that the surveyor would need to pick up the keys and go solo. As the estate agent office is 2 mins from the house, the surveyor agreed.
Happy days, or so we thought. We got an email from the surveyor this afternoon advising that he wasn’t able to gain access to the property and when he dropped the keys back at the estate agent, the EA admitted there had been issues with the lock. So the problem was already known but nor me, my partner or the surveyor were informed in advance. The surveyor is now saying we need to pay £150+ VAT for this and that he’ll come back when the issue is resolved.
Not blaming the surveyor as it was a waste of his time, but my partner and I feel quite aggrieved and that this shouldn’t be our financial responsibility to shoulder.
We don’t have direct contact with the seller, only the estate agent so we’ve emailed the estate agent to complain and ask them to cover this extra cost. No response yet so we’re still unsure as to when the lock will be fixed and the survey rearranged.
As first time buyers, we’re feeling our way through the process and are now nervous of this setback ahead of the stamp duty change (trying to beat it it along with every other FTB of course).
Thoughts and advice would be hugely appreciated
submitted by Rufiioooo to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 PotterHari Auf Geburtstagsfeier eingeladen aber Geschenk wird vermutlich nicht ankommen

Wie würdet ihr das lösen?
Die Sendung sollte heute bei mir ankommen, das Lieferdatum wurde verschoben und nun für den 13.01 zugesagt und nun weiß ich nicht was ich machen soll.. einfach ohne Geschenk dann hingehen?
Richtig blöd :(
submitted by PotterHari to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 Flat_Ad_6568 Maybe Maybe Maybe

Maybe Maybe Maybe submitted by Flat_Ad_6568 to maybemaybemaybe [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 Snitchy-Bitchy FakeDeuce

FakeDeuce submitted by Snitchy-Bitchy to Deuce9lives [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 BroMandi [Walmart] Dirt Devil 3-in-1 Lightweight Corded Stick & Handheld Multi-Surface Vacuum w/ LED Lights $8 + Free Shipping w/ Walmart+ or on $35+ [Deal: $8.00, Actual: $49.88]

[Walmart] Dirt Devil 3-in-1 Lightweight Corded Stick & Handheld Multi-Surface Vacuum w/ LED Lights $8 + Free Shipping w/ Walmart+ or on $35+ [Deal: $8.00, Actual: $49.88] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 Callforhelp144 Why do they start following a bunch of ppl on social media

Ex gf called it off last month out of the blue for me had no clue it was coming pretty much blindsided but noticed she followed 20+ new ppl on instagram and they followed back in that month span same with her Snapchat followers what would cause this even tho she’s free to do whatever she wants lol
submitted by Callforhelp144 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 HyenaPrestigious5963 Tale stopped working this morning!

So mid conversation, the tale stopped working. I tried reseting, restarting, everything. Nothing worked. It's stale responses and it's messing up asterisk responses. I'm paying for what exactly?
submitted by HyenaPrestigious5963 to polybuzz [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 Daiiintyy My baby sylvie🩷

My baby sylvie🩷 Do your guys lynxies also seem to have very little going on in their little noggins or is it just mine?
submitted by Daiiintyy to lynxpointsiamese [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 car1234hot cheddar fries with meat beans and ketchup

cheddar fries with meat beans and ketchup submitted by car1234hot to potato [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 ztarb Please use my code 67860829 I only need 7 more people CANADA ONLY

Please use my code 67860829 I only need 7 more people CANADA ONLY Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 67860829
And please share with people who don’t have Temu
submitted by ztarb to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 IThyperion-99 Hi Reddit 25Years old here,Say it honestly

Hi Reddit 25Years old here,Say it honestly submitted by IThyperion-99 to amiugly [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 andy_bmc Tage Thompson loves jerking

Tage Thompson loves jerking submitted by andy_bmc to NHLcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 International-Flow16 What does my fridge say about me?

What does my fridge say about me? submitted by International-Flow16 to FridgeDetective [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 Substantial_Food_548 LA fires

Anyone know if they live in the fire areas? Don’t doxx them, but anyone know if they’re ok?
submitted by Substantial_Food_548 to emergencyintercom [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 Same-Group5087 Ps4 Controller verbindet sich nicht

Hatte meinen einzigen Controller mit meinem PC verbunden, jetzt bekomme ich die playstation über den konsolenknopf an, kann den Kontroller aber nicht verbinden. Hab versucht den zu Reseten, mit Kabel angeschlossen, PS Taste mehrfach gedrückt, auch mit der Share Taste. Kann mir jemand bitte helfen oder kann ich die PS4 jetzt wegschmeißen ?
submitted by Same-Group5087 to playstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 7hom What's the point of this sub if it is completely compromised? Of course only birds, planes and balloons make it to the top if legit anomalous videos are deleted. Details inside.

Yesterday, I tried asking why a certain video got deleted by "Reddit's Legal Operations team".
The official reason given by mods is that the video is fake. However a good part of all videos posted here are debunked and flagged as such. It's better so people are able to identify such videos down the line.
YouTuber Red Panda Koala had a similar issue on his YouTube channel with the exact same video. An instant copyright strike. But here's the kicker, the person filming actually had an interview with RPK; long story short the people giving the copyright strike are NOT the owner of the video.
My thread was deleted 10 minutes after posting yesterday. It was flared as "s-i-g-h-t-i-n-g" so auto deleted because I didn't include a location/date. Sure. But then a mod answered and said "the real reason why your post should be deleted is because it is Meta, please post in this board instead... a 2000 member meta board.
If this isn't a clear indication that some of the mods are compromised I don't know what is. Let me be real clear here.
My questions are:
Are most of you aware of the extent of this sub being compromised? And how much time do you think this thread will stay up?
PS here is a link to the video on Twitter
submitted by 7hom to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 RomanesEuntDomusX In Schwäbisch-Gmünd waren sie immer stolz darauf, Geflüchtete aufzunehmen - Heute zweifelt selbst der Bürgermeister, ob sie schaffen, was sie sich vorgenommen haben.

In Schwäbisch-Gmünd waren sie immer stolz darauf, Geflüchtete aufzunehmen - Heute zweifelt selbst der Bürgermeister, ob sie schaffen, was sie sich vorgenommen haben. submitted by RomanesEuntDomusX to de [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 Dry-Mycologist4102 He is sleeping 💀

submitted by Dry-Mycologist4102 to Bugatti [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 ajohnson1590 Hard Work Paying Off

Came out of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filed in 2019 and had stupidly racked up almost $20k in credit card which as you can imagine had mh utilization super high and my score in the toilet.
Spent that last 6 months aggressively paying it down and now only owe about $900.
As of today my FICO8 scores are Equifax 678, Transunion 690, and Experian 674. Still not the greatest but they’ve all each improved over 120 points since the bankruptcy so I’m feeling good about where they are now.
Test drove the improved scores as was able to get approved for a Discover IT card and Amex Platinum.
Gonna stop now so I don’t have too many inquiries but hoping to maxium the cash back and reward benefits from both cards while steadily improving my credir profile.
submitted by ajohnson1590 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2025.01.08 19:35 MyVentolin Kenshi is so real

Kenshi is so real submitted by MyVentolin to Kenshi [link] [comments]