Just to show you what we’re missing on the other side of the pond when our fellow US apes arent allowed to trade

2025.01.09 20:10 FragrantEcho1742 Just to show you what we’re missing on the other side of the pond when our fellow US apes arent allowed to trade

Just to show you what we’re missing on the other side of the pond when our fellow US apes arent allowed to trade hyped for tomorrow $GME price action but calm bc i know MOASS is inevtiable 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💜💜💜💜💜
submitted by FragrantEcho1742 to GME [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 alsaerr Can't pay phone bill even though I want to...

I have ATT internet and wireless. I have been seeing and paying my internet bill every month. I find out that I haven't paid my wireless bill and my service has been suspended. Everywhere I log in, website or app, does not show my phone bill, ONLY wireless. I try to link my accounts/register a new service and get taken to a form. I type in my phone number and billing zip code. Then I get asked for my "billing account number." I try my bank's account number. Doesn't work. I don't have any other number to try. I can't call them because they suspended my service. Can't find a way to talk to someone on the website.
I want to pay my bill, but ATT makes it as hard as possible for me. This sucks.
submitted by alsaerr to ATT [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 AsianGoddessonX AsianGoddess has arrived!!

AsianGoddess has arrived!! Your one and only AsianGoddess has arrived on X. You can visit me on X @AsianGoddessonX Let’s drain some wallets!!👸🏻
submitted by AsianGoddessonX to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 ObscuredTor Somerset dad in agony every day starts using medical cannabis - Somerset Live

Somerset dad in agony every day starts using medical cannabis - Somerset Live submitted by ObscuredTor to MedCannabisUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 MatgamarraAtl3 Looking to loan send me a message and I’ll get back to you

submitted by MatgamarraAtl3 to loans_bad_credit [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 twirlingmypubes What are some signs on reddit that school has been let out for the day?

submitted by twirlingmypubes to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 mostindianer Swiss inventions: Velcro

Swiss inventions: Velcro Helvetia 210 (2022) with a small piece of velcro („hook and loop fastener“).
submitted by mostindianer to philately [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 BiteZealousideal229 Question

How did everyone begin trading what pushed them to start learning about trading(I’m just curious how you guys started)
submitted by BiteZealousideal229 to Forex [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 rsolusod24 My boy Archie in his favorite chair

My boy Archie in his favorite chair submitted by rsolusod24 to fatcats [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 Jackfruit-Maleficent 4-year old seedling from an ellaphieae hybrid that selfs

4-year old seedling from an ellaphieae hybrid that selfs submitted by Jackfruit-Maleficent to Gasteria [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 padkins7 Hope after transfer.

Hope after transfer. Hello I just had my last embryo transfer with 2 embryos. I tested today and am 6 days post transfer. I can’t tell if this is a good or bad sign. Can anyone confirm this is positive or possibly an indent line? I checked the test within 4 minutes.
submitted by padkins7 to IVFbabies [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 hlmodtech Convert 3D Designs into Tinkercad Clicky Fidgets. Slick slicks for Beginners or advanced designers.

Convert 3D Designs into Tinkercad Clicky Fidgets. Slick slicks for Beginners or advanced designers. submitted by hlmodtech to tinkercad [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 delugepro Some people don't want actual solutions

submitted by delugepro to Anarcho_Capitalism [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 Luca_mntn Any Suggestions/ Improvements?

Any Suggestions/ Improvements? submitted by Luca_mntn to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 BlitzKrieged1940 How do i properly install Gunslinguer into COP?

If anyone canl help me with it because i keep getting crash over and over again and i cant play it. (I mostly play on DX8)
submitted by BlitzKrieged1940 to stalker [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 Party-Measurement223 DPD - slanje paketa

Naručila sam nešto preko jednog web shopa i proizvod mi ne odgovara te sam kreirala povrat. Povrat se vrši preko DPD-a koji mi je poslao naljepnicu za paket i ja bih sada trebala predati paket u jedan od paketomata. Nije mi jasno kako trebam otvoriti paketomat? U email-u nisam dobila nikakve upute vezano uz to.
submitted by Party-Measurement223 to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 Specialist_Abies_500 Send me whatever and force me to like it

submitted by Specialist_Abies_500 to sendnoods [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 Aggravating-Range380 MSc Economic Policy offer

Hi, I just got an offer for MSc Economic Policy at SOAS. I'm joining after working as a finance journalist in India for over 5 years and want to switch careers towards economic policy analyst/consulting after the degree. I am confused whether I am likely to get a job in UK's economy after the course considering I'll be fresh into the field and overseas students often struggle to find jobs in the UK. Is the investment worth it?
Looking forward to hearing your views!
submitted by Aggravating-Range380 to SOAS [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 MaleficentEdge6238 Hi all

Hi all submitted by MaleficentEdge6238 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 precisoresposta I would need to vent about 1 thing… Anyone?

Hi Id Need to vent regards one thing
U can also talk or vent too!
We can talk further on and only if we vibe i have Discord to exchange if we get along
submitted by precisoresposta to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 cptnlevijones Beautiful Ramshorn Mutated Variant

Beautiful Ramshorn Mutated Variant I've had about 600 Ramshorn come and go from hands-free breeding. This little guy is the only one I've seen with a conch-like shell, dark grey and white polka dot shell. It's a beauty so I just wanted to show him off.
submitted by cptnlevijones to AquaticSnails [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 degrareal Pokémon Poaching - Pokémon: Master Quest Episode 54 Reaction

Pokémon Poaching - Pokémon: Master Quest Episode 54 Reaction submitted by degrareal to Youtubeviews [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 gamerofthrones9 she’s such a liar

she’s such a liar people are commenting to message the kale and she responded that she did “off camera”?? BE FR the kale is in the EXACT same place from start to when those onions went in. She’s such a liar it’s weird. Also that salad looks gross asf who puts just kale and raw white onions?? ik her breath be KICKING
submitted by gamerofthrones9 to rhegan777snark [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 virtigex Skyrim on Ubuntu Nobel

No more Windows! I tries Steam on Ubuntu Nobel and this version seems to have Wine working pretty well. In particular, Skyrim runs extremely well, making use of the GPU to produce silky smooth Fus Ro Dahs.
submitted by virtigex to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.09 20:10 Sweet-Locksmith5932 Retro Rewind Music w/ Dolphin

Im on the latest version of dolphin and when I play retro rewind (also latest version) the tracks dont have custom music they just use base game music. Any way to change this?
submitted by Sweet-Locksmith5932 to MarioKartWii [link] [comments]
