2025.01.11 10:41 Magic1370 Looking for a club 40+
Hit me up with DM and details, high level clubs preferred submitted by Magic1370 to eatventureofficial [link] [comments] |
2025.01.11 10:41 thmbnale Who Runs a UGC or Influencer Marketing Agency?
How do you deal with strict FTC rules when running an influencer marketing or UGC agency? How do you protect yourself if creators don’t follow the rules?
submitted by thmbnale to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 jothe22 Cotton
Is there anyone who can recommend a good field on riverbend springs that I can plant cotton on? Haven’t really done it before so idk how big it have to be for it to profitable in terms of how many bales you get
submitted by jothe22 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 2tearsmfit Y’all I think the hard freeze is happening for real. Be safe!
I think there is definitely ice on the roads at this point. Take care!
submitted by 2tearsmfit to CedarPark [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 New_Effort_2550 Are you expecting a surge in price the 20th of January ?
With Trump officially going into the presidency I expect this to be a big day for crypto. Thoughts ?
submitted by New_Effort_2550 to Hedera [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 Revolutionary_Tax546 AC/DC - If You Want Blood (1979)
1979 submitted by Revolutionary_Tax546 to heavymetal [link] [comments] |
2025.01.11 10:41 peachbitchmetal dionela lyrics be like
submitted by peachbitchmetal to SoundTripPh [link] [comments] |
2025.01.11 10:41 JurassicParkDinosaur Why do most people like to use pesticides, fungacides, herbicides, etc over Organic/Chemical Free Gardening methods?
Hi there everyone,
I'm hoping to engage in a respectful conversation with others, so please keep that in mind when contributing your comment(s). I'm not here to speak negatively about anyones gardening habits as I'm a bit believe in your own garden is YOURs to manage however you see fit.
I've always loved gardening, and grew up with a family who loved growing roses, tomatoes and loads more. Now that I have my own space to tend to, over the last 10 years I've begun my gardening journey. Originally I was very eager to have what I would deem a nice, pretty, neat garden. I was determined to get it looking like the instagram and pinterest posts online. Lush garden beds overflowing with healthy, perfect produce. Immaculate lawns and more.
How quickly I was humbled.
I remember being frustrated one day and spraying some herbs that were overrun with pests. I grabbed the pyrethrum spray and eagerly began spraying, essentially dousing the plant. That'll get them, I remember thinking. It was only after this I noticed deep within the foliage an adult praying mantis. I desperately tried to save it by moving it away to another plant, only to realise I had unfortunately killed this beneficial insect by reaching for the bug-killing spray. It was then that started my organic, chemical free gardening journey, as I had realised that perhaps if i'd waited some time, the praying mantis might've dealt with the issue for me.
It hasn't been an easy journey. I definitely do not have pinterest or instagram worthy gardens, and although lovely, I have made peace with the fact they will likely never look like that. I have started and restarted garden beds numerous times, planted seedlings numerous times and have definitely been frustrated beyond belief. I can't tell you how many times I've experienced planting a seedling, only for it to die or be eaten by pests, only to then have to restart the journey.
On the flip side of this, not using chemicals has seen the return of a lot of beneficial invertebrates in my garden. I now have many small garden spiders, dragonflies, native blue banded, leaf cutter, resin and teddy bear bees, lady bugs and more.
Recently I noticed my David Austin Bathsheba rose had an aphid problem. The ants were farming them and of course they were more than happy to hang out on the buds. I had recently acquired a Tetragonula Carbonaria hive of native stingless bees (sugarbag bees) and had been educating myself further on the risks of even fungacides and herbacides to these invertebrates. I decided instead to pop on a podcast and go out with a gloved hand and 'smush' the aphids or cut off the stems/buds that were too far gone. I then used the hose on the jet setting and blasted off what I could. The next day they were nearly gone. The day after that, I noticed some small crab spiders moving in and making good use of them, and then the day after that hoverflies were hanging around, eager for the easy meal. I have to say now that it is thriving and growing beautifully and I can't help but wonder if it's because of minimal help and leaving it do the 'balance of nature' per se. (Of course it should be noted that this method doesn't always work and sometimes the plant is lost).
I watch a fair amount of australian youtubers that are into gardening as well as other gardeners on platforms and one thing I have noticed is that most (not all) are very eager to promote the use of fungacides, herbicides and pesticides as their method of getting rid of pests. I'm noticing these are much more promotoed than say 'bugsforbugs' and/or methods like milk for powdery mildew, for example.
This leaves me feeling really confused and conflicted. There are so many of us that are eager to 'save the bees' and not contribute to soil degradation, yet we easily reach for the quick and efficient pest or weed control methods. Which poses the question, is pest management meant to be quick and easy? Is weed management meant to be quick and easy? Is gardening meant to be quick and easy?
With the acquisition of my bees, I've been researching how fungacides and even herbicides can carry insecticidal properties. I've been learning how these products contribute to soil degradation too.
Just recently I had a conversation with a family member who wanted to "restart their front garden" and was looking for my help. I agreed and we began brainstorming plants. They then went on to say that the weeds were "not going to be a problem" because their plan was to routinely "just go out and spray a bit of roundup on whatever comes up". I found this really counter productive to the gardening experience.
On one side of the coin, I definitely can see how certain products have their place and how easy they are at applying and using within the garden. On the other hand, with what I have been learning, it's worrying for the future of our gardens and the creatures big and small that live within it.
I'm curious to know others thoughts on this topic and I am eager to learn/understand more.
submitted by JurassicParkDinosaur to GardeningAustralia [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 AlienBabe97 Who is my celebrity lookalike??
Everyone says the way to find the best makeup for your face is to find your celebrity lookalike and do you makeup the way they do. I have no idea who mine would be though! When I was younger I got told I looked like Cindy Lou Who from the grinch (young Taylor momsen) but I never really saw that beyond the button nose and round cheeks. I usually don't do super heavy makeup so I think Taylor Momsen signature heavy black eyeshadow look is out lol submitted by AlienBabe97 to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments] |
2025.01.11 10:41 moordact Unleash the Bull: Explore the Inspiration Behind Our New Web3 Art Release! 🐂
submitted by moordact to CryptoApeing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.11 10:41 Mysterious-Bones Stratégie - Chemin le plus court grâce au levier
Salut à tous,
Je souhaiterais ouvrir la discussion sur les effets de levier. Le but est de comprendre quels sont vos stratégie préféré regardant le levier voir même si vous l'utilisez.
C'est selon moi la manière d'augmenter le plus rapidement sont capital. Puisque avec une somme x de capital mis sur la table on va avoir une position (x+y) investie tendance a générer des gains donc supérieur voir largement supérieur.
Ceci est bien sûr pour ma propre stratégie FIRE mais dans le but que tout le monde puisse en profiter je vais essayer de structurer un peu et si j'ai le temps j'intégrerai les réponses pertinentes ici.
A ma connaissance il y en a 3 types :
Prêt hypothécaire: investissements dans l'immobilier. Le collateral demander et la cible de l'achat et l'apport en capital est mis dans le bien cible
Prêt sur titre (lombard, assurance vie et autre). En règle générale j'ai un actif A (un portefeuille de titre) je le nanti en tant que collateral pour le prêteur pour avoir une position qui est mis en garantie mais continue de me générer des revenus et j'obtiens une somme b qui me permet d'investir dans un autre actif (financier) de mon choix.
Les produits dérivés avec effet de levier intégré. Je les classent en deux catégories : a) Options et futurs (et autres...). Permet de controller des actif financier avec un apport en capital de 5 a 10% de la valeur cible. b) Les produits dérivés avec un multiplicateur fixe, turbos, ETF a leviers, warrant (3x, 5x, 10x...). Ici on investit une somme x dans un produit qui comporte un taux multiplicateur et donc on multiplie les gains et les pertes.
J'ai rapidement classé les levier du moins au plus risqué selon moi mais cela va bien sur dépendre de beaucoup d'autre paramètres de ce que l'on mets dans les investissements mais ce n'est pas le but de la discussion ici. Aussi pour obtenir ces leviers il existe différents canaux bancaire, love money, crowd funding...
Pour simplifier et parce que les stratégies évoluent fortement avec notre patrimoine je classerais cela en differents pallier de patrimoine net.
O-10k - On débute dans la vie. Il y a certainement mieux a faire ici.
10k-50k - Premiers pas
50k-150k - J'ai enfin du capital
150k-300k - Les choses sérieuses
300k-500k - preFire
500k-1Mio - Fire
1Mio-3Mio - ChubbyFire
3Mio-15Mio - FatFire
Je ne complèterais pas tout de suite les catégories j'attends vos réponses d'abord que je ne suis pas sûr d'avoir une stratégie très optimisée.
N'hésitez pas a me rectifier si des infos sont incorrectes incomplète ou la structure n'est pas la bonne. Si vous pensez que le levier n'est pas la meilleure manière d'augmenter le plus rapidement sont capital alors je suis vraiment intéressé par la réponse.
Enfin la création d'entreprise est un monde a part que je ne souhaiterais pas aborder ici pour plein de raison (risque, équilibre work/life...) même si c'est une des voies royales quand ça marche il faudrait un topic dédié a comment augmenter sont capital a travers l'entreprenariat.
Finalement pour ceux qui se posent la question j'en suis au stade suivant mais cela ne devrait pas influencer les réponses : famille H31 et F29 avec un E9. Français j'ai repris les études pour partir en Suisse (je ne connaissais pas le FIRE a 20 ans mais je voulais déjà faire ça avec une ferme autonome sur un terrain et une extrême frugalité beaucoup de choses m'ont fait abandonner le projet). Me voila numéro 2 des opérations d'une banque. Avec un revenu de 145k brut, madame est en reprise pour faire institutrice dans un an projection de salaire autour de 80k. Personnellement évolution possible dans les prochaines années autour de 170k 230k. Donc je dirais que on est bientôt a 250k annuel brut en suisse. Actuellement RP en propriété avec 120k de capital net dedans. Et environs 80k investit de manière diverse avec un projet immobilier de rendement en reflexion. Objectif FiRE a 45ans donc encore 15 pour moi en partant donc de 200k pour arriver a 2Mio ya du chemin. Madame pas vraiment intéressée mais suit sans problème la philosophie en tout cas pour la frugalité.
Merci a tous !
submitted by Mysterious-Bones to FranceFIRE [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 WhoAmIEven2 What's the game plan with the checkered deck?
So I just unlocked this, but I have no idea what to make of it or what the game plan is.
Is it a flush focused deck, or am I missing something vital? Should I keep levelling up different kinds of flushes?
submitted by WhoAmIEven2 to balatro [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 sanketkasabe98 ITAP of the night sky at Kona, Hawaii
submitted by sanketkasabe98 to itookapicture [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 PeoplesDope Democratic Disclosure Ecosystemic Futures
Drip drip Disclosure is happening right now, sponsored by NASA (of all people ;)
After listening to EPs 65, 69 & 72 of Ecosystemic Futures I'll never again ask "When will we get Disclosure?"
The elites represented on these discussions (MIC, Old Money Elites, New Money Hedge Funds etc) are already operating in a post Disclosure paradigm.
Our community needs to start fighting for DEMOCRATIC DISCLOSURE!
submitted by PeoplesDope to UFOB [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 Glad_Amphibian6972 Manners People
I got to get this off my chest I gift alot never ask for anything but a thank you in return and some of yall trifling dust bucket won't he say thanks. Smh
submitted by Glad_Amphibian6972 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 notkishang Do people here hate Wicked?
Read a comment here somewhere saying that most people on this sub hate Wicked. I don't really have a way to deduce if this is true, because Wicked is so rarely discussed and mentioned on this sub. So is it true? Do people here dislike the Wicked film? And if so, why?
submitted by notkishang to oscarrace [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 _Foxlet_ Masquerade Mask Not Working
My character has the masquerade mask but whenever I play PVP it's not there. I tried removing the hat to see if that helps but it's still not showing up. Anyone else got this issue?
submitted by _Foxlet_ to QuidditchChampionsWB [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 Amazing-Ranger01 Best solution to transform the Boox Go 10.3 into a secondary screen for PC?
Hello everyone, since I got the Manta I no longer use my boox go 10.3 at all.
I told myself that its good quality screen could serve, for certain purposes, as a secondary screen for my computer (Windows PC). I already have a suitable support for this.
What application could you recommend to me? Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Amazing-Ranger01 to Onyx_Boox [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 UnlikelyAd4344 For trade looking for offer/lf downgrade MLF:fr pot/exotic/pet handler/ssbd Bpack NLF: underpay/random/htt unless OP
submitted by UnlikelyAd4344 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments] |
2025.01.11 10:41 00She [15/F] looking for a small chat
I'm on a car ride rn, and I'm bored. Anyone knows what else I could do? Or maybe just chat with me, also looking for some friends. If you're cool you can have my ig
submitted by 00She to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 Wafudramon The New Servant Was...
submitted by Wafudramon to FGO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.11 10:41 Bellytsunami Stuck at chapter 67. Need advice.
If I use double guardian ring, my power will be around 166k only. I only have 1 copy of angel bow, whisperer and skysplitter, also a spear that I don't use. F2p here submitted by Bellytsunami to CapybaraGoGame [link] [comments] |
2025.01.11 10:41 who_let_bro_cook1 Can you pause a print for a few hours without any issues?
I have a 20h print and i can't run the print during the night. Now my question: Can i pause the print over night and resume in the morning? (I have a P1S with Ams)
submitted by who_let_bro_cook1 to BambuLab [link] [comments]
2025.01.11 10:41 Cute_Meal675 Do I even need a reason to love this car ❤️
submitted by Cute_Meal675 to mercedes_benz [link] [comments] |
2025.01.11 10:41 dhanduh Good morning ☀️ How do I look?
submitted by dhanduh to crossdressing [link] [comments] |