[Recommendation Request] Seiko SCVE051 vs SNKL43

2025.01.13 16:42 Even_Pudding2443 [Recommendation Request] Seiko SCVE051 vs SNKL43

[Recommendation Request] Seiko SCVE051 vs SNKL43 What are you thoughts on these two? Any pros and cons for these? This is my first time buying a Seiko Watch, my Wrist diameter is 6.2inches for reference.
Very much thanks.
submitted by Even_Pudding2443 to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 DeMmeure Between which books is it best to make a small break during a re-read?

As I love to plan everything ahead, and since I intend to re-read Malazan this year, I wanted to proceed the following way. The first time, it took me about one year to read the full main series (Malazan Book of the Fallen), and a few more months to read Novels of the Malazan Empire. I remember I sometimes made break between volumes but can't remember which ones, so this time I'll try to organize myself better.
According to me, it is best to experience Malazan without long breaks between books (better for immersion), but I also prefer to make small breaks to discover other novels, since re-reading Malazan will probably take me at least the same amount of time (i.e. an entire year).
Here is my current plan:
1) Books 1 to 4
2) Break with another novel
3) Books 5 to 7
4) Break with another novel
5) Books 8 to 10
This choice is motivated by the different narrative arcs spanning across the series (though this is a continuous saga).
House of Chains (Book 4) is unique in the series as we only follow Karsa Orlong's POV throughout the first quarter, but it concludes the whole Felisin/Sha'ik arc introduce in Deadhouse Gates (Book 2). On the other hand, Midnight Tides (Book 5) is set before Gardens of the Moon (Book 1), and presents the LetheTiste Edur conflict, so in my opinion, it is the best moment to make a first break. Likewise, another break after Reaper's Gale (Book 7) is a good idea since it concludes this conflict.
If I remember correctly, only Night of Knives is recommended to read during the main series (between books 5 and 6 I think?), or is it also recommended to read Return of the Crimson Guard during the main series, and if so, when?
submitted by DeMmeure to Malazan [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Far_Fox_1580 Trouver ma voie en 2025

Bonjour à tous,
Après un master en gestion de projets culturels, je me retrouve à enchaîner les petits boulots et les reconversions (chef d’équipe en logistique, agent commercial en immobilier, étudiant infirmier…) car mon secteur d’études est complètement bouché.
Je pensais naïvement trouver rapidement un CDI avec un salaire confortable après un bac+5 sauf que je suis très loin de ce schéma et j’ai l’impression de passer totalement à côté de ma vie professionnelle.
Aujourd’hui, j’ai le besoin vitale d’enfin trouver ma voie et me poser professionnellement. Je n’ai pas peur de refaire une petite formation de quelques mois si cela me permet d’accéder à un travail épanouissant.
J’ai donc besoin de votre aide s’il vous plaît. Si vous deviez me recommander un métier épanouissant, qui recrute beaucoup et qui est plutôt bien payé, quel serait ce métier s’il vous plaît ?
C’est mon projet principal en 2025 d’enfin me poser professionnellement après tant d’années à me chercher. Alors, un grand merci à tout ceux qui me répondront 😊🙏🏻
submitted by Far_Fox_1580 to reconversionpro [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Waifusense Dont break the rules or ill have to arrest u >:c

Dont break the rules or ill have to arrest u >:c submitted by Waifusense to FemboySafeSpace [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Steadysippin4 MAKA MONDAYS 🍒

submitted by Steadysippin4 to Drank [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Et3rnus [A3] [Early Cold War] [NA/EU] [EST] [Recruiting] Chernarussian Black Sea Legion - A New Prospect For Storytellers

The year is 1951.
World War II has long come to an end. For a bit over six years, the Axis have stood victorious. But Europe stands no closer to peace, perhaps even less so. The iron grip rusts and corrodes with each passing day. The former pact turns upon itself, fighting over the scraps of a world they destroyed. From the collapse, new nations emerge.
Enter Chernarus, land of the downtrodden and snow,
The misaligned, the oppressed, and the rejected. Animals in a cage, Where every soul is a soldier, Where war is their only purpose,
Seeking to earn their place upon the smoldering ashes.
Bună seara, stranger. You must be cold, wandering the forest like this. Come, sit. Share our fire.
Do you want to tell a story? Do you like DnD? Do you want Tolkien-level lore on a budget? Do you want a unit that values trust and supports you?
Chernarussian Black Sea Legion, at your service;

We aim to provide the ultimate alternate-history experience, one that gives Chernarus a rich new character with a unique history, culture, and people.
OUR UNIQUE SETTING The Chernarussian Black Sea Legion reimagines Chernarus upon the world map; a fledgling Black Sea nation of rugged, hardy people torn apart by over a thousand years of war, oppression, and political intrigue. Even “Chernarus” is not its true name, rather a product of a treaty they barely survived.
Every event takes place within a grander stage; an ever-changing world. The story, and how it plays out, has a direct impact on global events. What might seem to be the most trivial of actions may have massive, irreversible consequences. Or the opposite -- a huge, climactic battle could prove inconclusive.
The lore drives the unit. Story-oriented players, roleplayers, and lore goblins will be right at home here.
WHAT YOU CAN DO We play as the entire nation, with all of its military and civil service branches. This means that our operations are highly flexible, and that you are not limited to one role forever. We encourage our players to gain and use as much knowledge as they can get. Well-versed players are deadly players.
Of course, some are limited by technology. We are currently in an Alternate Early 1950s setting, but this will progress as time goes on, unlocking new weapons, vehicles, and gear.
EMPHASIS: Most operations are centered around infantry combat. Using specialized assets depends on attendance and other factors. No matter what, you will always have infantry roles to fall back on --- as needed, you can and will be assigned as infantry.
TECHNICAL INFO Our primary language is English.
Our main events take place every Saturday. Additional side events may be hosted on Friday and Sunday.
2:00 - 5:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4) 6:00 - 9:00pm Universal Coordinated Time (UTC/GMT) 8:00pm - 11:00pm Central European Summer Time (UTC+2)
\ Most deployments take ~2 hours, but can be a maximum of 3 hours long, not accounting for additional preparation.)
We do not have a strict attendance policy. Your life matters more than ARMA 3, and if things come up, we are here to help if you need it. Just tell us!
We use a couple of DLCs in our Operations. While our operations will still be 'playable', having DLCs will make your life a lot easier. We use the following DLCs: - Spearhead 1944 - Global Mobilization
Participation is highly encouraged, of course. Players that are gone for a long time will not be penalized, so long as they communicate the details with our leadership personnel. Those who do not will be checked on and, if necessary, removed.
No prior experience with ARMA is necessary. We are looking for good people first, not necessarily good players. If you need help, our personnel and written resources will assist you.
This is a milsim unit, not a realism unit. Every member is held to the same behavioral standards no matter their rank or role. We regard everyone as an adult, and we expect them to act accordingly.
CHERNARUS AWAITS YOU Our Discord Our Entry Questionnaire Completion of the questionnaire is required to complete the onboarding process. You will have several opportunities to do this, but it is recommended you do this first using the embed above. It has 4 written questions about your ArmA history and expertise. This is not a test.
Afterward, you will be asked to complete an one-on-one interview with a recruiter to get to know you on a more personal level. This is not supposed to be a job interview, but you can be disqualified based on what gets said.
If you are still not satisfied or have any of the following:
Let us know! You can message us on Reddit, but it is preferred that you contact us via our recruiters' Discord handles:
whitecollar.actual or Firebird 0-1#0889 ( < The big boss.) et3rnus or Et3rnus#7884 ( < The head recruiter.)
We hope to see you soon.
Bună călătorie, soldier.
submitted by Et3rnus to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Stock_Scallion_9487 Daring boots

My New Boots, are they too daring?
submitted by Stock_Scallion_9487 to Boots [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 TalentedKing Reason DAW/On Screen Piano Keys vs. Midi Keyboard Controller

Currently, I'm using Reason +. I'm making a hip hop instrumental. So far, I've been using Reason's on screen piano keys. I want to get a midi keyboard controller to use with Reason. What are the benefits of using a midi keyboard controller vs. using Reason's on screen piano keys? Do I get to use more octaves, if I were to get a keyboard with let's say 37 or 49 keys?
submitted by TalentedKing to reason [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 LeaveAny Got scammed-employee theft

Was shopping with my kids at a store last night and bought a bunch of stuff. Of note, we are on vacation and leaving this morning, and this store is a part of outlets that are definitely in an area designed for tourist $$. Anyway, on the way out of the store, the alarms went off because the cashier failed to remove the security device on at least one item. So the security guy takes our bag and tells us to stay at the front so he can check the bag with the cashier. He comes back, says they removed the security device, hands us our bag and we go on our way.
Unfortunately, we get back to our room, start packing our bags, and 2 of the women’s shirts are missing. No chance they could have been lost along the way. They were definitely taken by the cashiesecurity combo. 10% possibility they were just “missed” when the back was repacked.
submitted by LeaveAny to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 warlord2000ad Why is VAT added to eBay purchases for private sellers

I listed an item on eBay. An item I brought from Argos, I had already paid VAT on it. It was a piece of software, bundled together, but something I have not need so selling off the extra licenses I haven't used.

However, the item's buy it now price is 20% higher and eBay support are absolutely adamant that they must charge VAT on the item to the buyer. Legally, this seems wrong. I am not VAT registered, so VAT is being charged on the item twice which seems wrong, as the initial VAT hasn't been reclaimed. The only thing I can see possible, is eBay sits in the middle, and they buy then instantly resell the item to the buyer, so add VAT on top. Yet it seems unnecessary.
Is there any legislation around this to make this make sense?
submitted by warlord2000ad to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 carnictum Pinnacle Contest: 01.13 - 01.23 Overview

Here is a list of the current Pinnacle contest and the rewards, as I am a F2P player I can't get all the information, so if anyone can contribute additional information it would be great - I have highlighted the missing information.
The ratings provided aren't the exact numbers but I tried to get somewhat close to the real req. number. If there seem to be any errors or additional information, I will edit the post, so that the information is as up to date as possible.

Stage & Name Attribute(s) Tags One Star Two Stars Three Stars
Stage 1: 
Rhythm of the Hear Sweet Normal Rating Great Rating Perfect Rating - 17.7k or lower
Stage 2: 
Kissed by the Starry Lake Sexy Normal Great Perfect - 22.4k or lower
Stage 3: 
Meadow Picnic Fresh Normal Great Perfect - 33.2k or lower
Wind's Gentle Touch Cool Normal Great ~30k Perfect - 38.7k or lower
Stage 5: 
Starlit Wings Elegant Normal Perfect - 49.8k or lower Perfect + more than 2 Elegant & Romance Pieces - 49.8k or lower
Stage 6: 
Fearless Voyage Sexy Fairy Normal Perfect - 61.0k Perfect + More than 4 Fairy Pieces - 61.0k
Stage 7: 
Twin Blossoms Sweet / Sexy Cute Normal Perfect - >78.0k - any Information? Perfect + More than 4 Sweet & Cute Pieces - >78.0k - any Information?
Stage 8: 
Light in the woods Cool / Sweet Playful Normal - 53k or lower Perfect - > 53.3k a lot more Perfect + Wear complete Cool Outfit - > 53.3k a lot more
submitted by carnictum to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 colebenton9 Should sceneries give a tactical advantage / disadvantage attackers?

Should sceneries give a tactical advantage / disadvantage attackers? With the continued addition of more sceneries there are some interesting conversations to have about people who struggle to see things with high contrast or darker buildings blending in to the background. Is this becoming a game only for people with perfect vision?
submitted by colebenton9 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Atmosferik_Yarrak Gazze allahınızın sikinde değil

Gazze allahınızın sikinde değil submitted by Atmosferik_Yarrak to MineIslam [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Anqo Can’t Add Home Address to the “Notify When Left Behind” Exception List for AirPods Max

Can’t Add Home Address to the “Notify When Left Behind” Exception List for AirPods Max Hi everyone,
I’m experiencing a weird bug with my new AirPods Max. Whenever I try to add my home address to the “Notify When Left Behind” exception list, I get an error message: « Unable to Add Location ». Oddly enough, I don’t encounter this issue when adding other addresses—only my home.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far, but nothing has worked: • Deleted the “Home” address from my contact card and re-added it • Restarted my iPhone • Tried using a larger geofence or even my neighbor’s address • Visited an Apple Store, but they couldn’t resolve the issue
If anyone has faced this problem or has a potential fix, I’d really appreciate your help!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Anqo to ios [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 GabrielXP76op Anyone else has the headcannon that Waiting for the end is a sequel for In the end?

Anyone else has the headcannon that Waiting for the end is a sequel for In the end? submitted by GabrielXP76op to LinkinPark [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Pat091004 Marshall Silver Jubilee 2555

Marshall Silver Jubilee 2555 How much is this Silver Jubilee half stack worth?
It is in a very good condition.
submitted by Pat091004 to GuitarAmps [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 andycandy132 No early cash out?

Wondering if this happens to anyone else, my friend and I place the exact same bet at the same time, his account gives him the cash out early option but mine does not. I contacted support and all they would say is that my phone isn’t updated…… my friends phone is not updated as well.. does FanDuel limit who can cash out early?
submitted by andycandy132 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 nativebeachbum Beach Selfie

submitted by nativebeachbum to dogpictures [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Remarkable-Rate-9688 ‘She’s a pro’: Miami woman accused of drugging and stealing from multiple men

‘She’s a pro’: Miami woman accused of drugging and stealing from multiple men submitted by Remarkable-Rate-9688 to WomenAreViolentToo [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 shant_132k SS4 & SSSM - No Weapon Attachments in CooP/Multiplayer Mode?

Whenever I join or host a game, I dont have any of the shotgun, rocket laucher, grenade launcher, Lasergun etc attachments. I have tried GiveAll, it doesnt work. I have all the attachments when I play a level in Single Player. How can I get the attachments in Multiplayer without replaying the Whole Campaign in CooP.
submitted by shant_132k to SeriousSam [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Thrawy420420 In Kazakhstan, they close off and clean the streets before the president's motorcade

In Kazakhstan, they close off and clean the streets before the president's motorcade submitted by Thrawy420420 to CrazyFuckingVideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 annvbelle [H] $45 AMC Theater GC [W] $45 Amazon or Target GC

Not sure how this sun works, but thought i’d post and see if anyone can do this kind of trade. Thanks!
submitted by annvbelle to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 ohmycheesecake_ is it okay sleep beside a sick cat?

hello! i dont know if the flair is right but im just asking if ok lang na nasa loob ng kwarto yung pusang sinisipon like humahatsing talaga. medyo nag aalala din po kasi since malamig dito samin around jan to feb at baka mas magkasakit pa po if sa labas papatulugin e. di po ba siya nakakahawa or anything? thank u!
submitted by ohmycheesecake_ to catsofrph [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Wild_Delay_6306 If anyone is feeling generous and could help me close some of these small sets before the album ends I’d certainly appreciate it! Link in post

If anyone is feeling generous and could help me close some of these small sets before the album ends I’d certainly appreciate it! Link in post Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/OHTdxQ
IGN Andrea
submitted by Wild_Delay_6306 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.13 16:42 Bass379 Long Shot! Would really appreciate finishing this set.

Long Shot! Would really appreciate finishing this set. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/9RejiA
submitted by Bass379 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]
