📢 Dr . Born - Dr . Ermel GmbH is hiring a Bauingenieur (Abwasser) bei Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH!

2025.01.22 10:43 rrmdp 📢 Dr . Born - Dr . Ermel GmbH is hiring a Bauingenieur (Abwasser) bei Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH!

📢 Dr . Born - Dr . Ermel GmbH is hiring a Bauingenieur (Abwasser) bei Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH! Company: Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH
Location: Remote (Essen, Deutschland) 📍
Date Posted: January 17, 2025 📅
Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=www.newnew.jobs&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3bmV3LmpvYnMvam9icy8xMDQ4NDE4ODgtYmF1aW5nZW5pZXVyLWFid2Fzc2Vy
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:43 Ethansimler My hood flares up over 50mph—what’s the best course of action to fix it?

My hood flares up over 50mph—what’s the best course of action to fix it? The hood on ol’ girl flares up at the corners behind the outside edge of the pop-ups. The faster i go, the more lift under the hood. I know it’s putting pressure on the 34yo hood latch, which means it’s just begging to finally snap. The hood hasn’t really bent at all yet, so i want to fix it before it does or before it caves in my windshield. You can kinda see in this pic—look at the driver side where the hood meets the fender behind the pop-up (pic #3). Sorry i can’t get a better pic. It’s easier to see in pics at night than day, so this is kinda the best. Just picture the hood doing
but like obviously less exaggerated and more at a 15-25 degree angle.
So, i have some questions…
  1. The first thing that comes to mind is hood pins… what yall think? I think low-pro pins could be cool—something like sparco pins or the push-to-lock little popper pins. What do yall think of either? Or pins at all? Idk if they really fit the car, but what do i know… i did a rear bumper delete to fit a polished bash bar (True Focus Fab) and a custom exhaust. I think it looks badass but i know it’s probably not everyone’s cup of tea. So yeah, hood pins or nah? If yeah, which style/brand/etc? If no, why? Style preference or is there a better option?
  2. I was thinking about doing sparco hood pins and removing the latching mechanism… but I’m undecided. I’m afraid it’ll start to flare in the middle if i remove the center latch and place the pins on the edge of the hood, but also afraid it’ll keep winging up if i place the pins on the inside edge. If i go the hood pins route, where should i place them? I’m not opposed to some hidden locking mechanism, but i don’t want 4 pins across the front of my hood… unless that the best route. I just want it to look good and not like some Autozone special.
  3. I’m not opposed to replacing the hood, but it’s not in the budget right now. I’m currently living on the tighter side, so I’m looking for something that will keep me safe but not break the bank. I have also considered adding bracing under the hood to add some structural rigidity… but idk the best way to go about. What should i do? Can i add shit like DIN panels or something to brace it and keep it from bending up? Or am i off base with that train of thought?
submitted by Ethansimler to Miata [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:43 BeautifulMight5494 How to improve this fit ?

How to improve this fit ? submitted by BeautifulMight5494 to mensfashionadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:43 a2coolboy Shreya Pujari getting Bolder 🤤

Shreya Pujari getting Bolder 🤤 submitted by a2coolboy to DesiCelebHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 Beluga_Kuzetsnov JoJo nasıl iletilir,arkadaşımın ön yargılarını nasıl kırarım? (Foto dikkat amaçlı)

JoJo nasıl iletilir,arkadaşımın ön yargılarını nasıl kırarım? (Foto dikkat amaçlı) submitted by Beluga_Kuzetsnov to WeebTurks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 Ok_Mine_4047 Anybody here free to chat for sometime? I feel a bit too lost

Just looking for someone to talk to about the issues about not being able to get into a good feeling mood/vortex. It just seems that life keeps giving me a new reason to cry every other month. The happiness is always short lived.. The fear and anxiety is forever.
submitted by Ok_Mine_4047 to AbrahamHicks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 rrmdp 📢 Atlassian is hiring a Principle Machine Learning Engineer -- Teamwork Graph!

📢 Atlassian is hiring a Principle Machine Learning Engineer -- Teamwork Graph! Company: Atlassian
Location: Mountain View, CA 📍
Salary: 190K - 305K 💰
Date Posted: January 17, 2025 📅
Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=echojobs.io&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly9lY2hvam9icy5pby9qb2IvYXRsYXNzaWFuLXByaW5jaXBsZS1tYWNoaW5lLWxlYXJuaW5nLWVuZ2luZWVyLXRlYW13b3JrLWdyYXBoLW9vZDFo
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 Euphoric_bby Smoke shop

I went to a smoke shop yesterday that sell pre-rolls and flower I went for a black and mild I cried when I got home because I haven’t been in two weeks since I quit today is day 13 but I’m dealing with a horrible bill that I may can’t pay so I’m super stressed totally why I needed the blk&mild … anyways there was no temptation at the smoke shop for weed just wanted to say that I’m super proud of myself 🥹
submitted by Euphoric_bby to leaves [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 thinktoomuchbad New member easter eggs from the latest ep

just noticed a bunch of easter eggs from the latest ep regarding the new member
blarg has 3 of them said 2 and wore 1
submitted by thinktoomuchbad to goons [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 i_predator Tried hard to topple but could just get an ultimate drift 😔

Tried hard to topple but could just get an ultimate drift 😔 submitted by i_predator to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 AdorableAd3156 Help me

Hi, I am very confused and I am not getting clarity. So, my question is that I had mathematics in 12th, and now I am in the first year of BSc IT. In the first semester, I did not have mathematics, and in the second semester, I also do not have mathematics, but I have Descriptive Statistics in the second semester. So, am I eligible for NIMCET, or will I need to take mathematics in the second year to be eligible?
submitted by AdorableAd3156 to IndianAcademia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 Active_Willingness97 It's official: Vilnius became the largest city in the Baltic States

It's official: Vilnius became the largest city in the Baltic States It's official: Vilnius overtakes Riga to become the largest city in the Baltic States
According to official data, Vilnius overtook Riga this year. Although according to data from the municipality, the Centre of Registers and the Territorial Health Insurance Fund, Vilnius should have overtaken its neighbouring capital long ago, according to the State Data Agency, this happened only in 2025.
Lithuanian statistical data show that in 2025, Vilnius will have a population of 607k, while the second largest city is now Riga, Latvia with population of 605k.
submitted by Active_Willingness97 to BalticStates [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 Strange-Ad4057 This is a 3D work I did for a client of mine who presented me this 2D drawing to be transformed into 3D. What do you think?

This is a 3D work I did for a client of mine who presented me this 2D drawing to be transformed into 3D. What do you think? submitted by Strange-Ad4057 to Promoteyourclothing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 rrmdp 📢 Leidos Holdings is hiring a Network Cable Engineer Manager!

📢 Leidos Holdings is hiring a Network Cable Engineer Manager! Company: Leidos Holdings
Location: US 📍
Salary: 89K - 162K 💰
Date Posted: January 16, 2025 📅
Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=echojobs.io&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly9lY2hvam9icy5pby9qb2IvbGVpZG9zLWhvbGRpbmdzLW5ldHdvcmstY2FibGUtZW5naW5lZXItbWFuYWdlci16Z2Eydg==
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 man-teiv un aiuto, l'INPS mi ha inculato e non so come uscirne

scusate, lungo sfogo, trovate il TLDR in fondo.
premessa: 8 anni fa, prima di lavorare, feci la richiesta per il riscatto della laurea (qui qualcuno dirà che già facendo questo ho fatto una cazzata, e in parte sono d'accordo). dal momento che non percepivo reddito al momento della richiesta mi hanno assegnato una RAL minima di 15k/anno, corrispondente ad una rata di 217€/mese, per 10 anni, per riscattare 5 anni di studi. pagato con domiciliazione bancaria.
2 anni fa cambiai banca, e cambiai la domiciliazione, solo che il mese del cambio non è avvenuto il pagamento. mi sono perso dicembre 2022, cosa che in effetti risulta dall'estratto conto del portale pagamenti dell'INPS (che è un pugno in un occhio innavigabile con grafica tabellare anni 90 ma sto divagando). bene, accortomi di questa cosa cerco di fare il pagamento, non ci riesco, e mi metto in contatto con l'INPS. la loro risposta mi lascia di sasso.
in sostanza la mia pratica risulta annullata a 2 anni fa, e ogni pagamento che ho fatto da allora l'hanno continuato ad incassare senza dirmi nulla. se non mi fossi accorto io di nulla, questa cosa sarebbe andata avanti per anni senza loro intervento.
ora che cazzo posso fare? mi hanno detto che mi possono rimborsare quella quota (chissà con quali tempistiche poi, sono più di 5000€) oppure aprirmi una nuova pratica dove userebbero le rate già versate per pagare le rate attuali. se non fosse che

  1. la mia RAL attuale è di 45k circa, che triplicherebbe la quota di riscatto della laurea, e 600€/mese non ce li ho e col cazzo che li regalo all'INPS
  2. sono anni che chiedo il rimborso nel 730 e percepisco un bel gruzzoletto in quanto la somma è deducibile, e non so che cazzo dovrei dire all'AdE per sto casino successo, se devo restituirgli sti soldi e chi dovrebbe pagare le conseguenze di sto casino (anche se ho il vago sospetto che l'inculata maggiore me la prenderò io)
mi sento mancare la terra da sotto ai piedi, non so in che situazione mi trovo, non so quanti anni effettivamente ho riscattato, non so come muovermi e il primo appuntamento utile me l'hanno dato tra un mese sti infami. nel frattempo mi hanno detto di mandare una mail per fare richiesta ufficiale di annullamento della pratica ma mi sembra un modo loro di pararsi il culo da ripercussioni.
ma è possibile che in 2 anni nessuno si sia accorto di nulla e abbiano continuato a ciucciarmi i soldi dal conto in banca senza nessuna comunicazione? è possibile che mi possano annullare la pratica senza dirmi niente? sul portale dell'INPS è difficilissimo capire quali rate sono state già pagate perché viene aggiornato con 3/4 mesi in ritardo e non è possibile capire quale rata corrisponda a quale mese di pagamento (si chiamano tutte rata 47/120, 53/120 e via dicendo, senza nessun riferimento a quale mese di pagamento corrispondano). in questo momento vorrei solo dare fuoco all'INPS in toto, riprendermi tutti i soldi che gli ho versato e bruciarmeli in escort di lusso pur di non dargli neanche più un centesimo.
andrò da un commercialista irl ma volevo sapere se il mio caso fosse così inusuale (una persona che in 10 anni cambia conto corrente, l'orrore) e se ci sia possibilità di appellarsi a questa cosa prima di chiudere tutto e scazzare male con l'INPS. grazie mille in anticipo per qualunque consiglio.
TLDR: l'INPS mi ha annullato la pratica di riscatto laurea e si è preso i miei soldi per 2 anni senza dirmi nulla. non posso riaprire la pratica perché mi costerebbe un botto. cosa posso fare?
submitted by man-teiv to commercialisti [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 Successful_Mix_6644 Heating hot water and radiators with this baby

Heating hot water and radiators with this baby submitted by Successful_Mix_6644 to woodstoving [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 nobodyknows615 Realestate auction

I’m just wondering if anyone was at or knows anyone that was at a larger property auction in Lower Beechmont on the 10/10/2024. Involving Mermaid Harcourts realestate agent Michael Ellis. There was a few details that happened at the event, I would like some clarification on. So please reach out.
submitted by nobodyknows615 to GoldCoast [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 Designer-Fault4701 SSRI discontinuation syndrome but lasts months to year?

Hi, i've been experiencing SSRI withdrawl depression [i said depression but more like very suicidal, mood swings, 247 bad mood despair, so much so i even feel dizzy, headache, vomitting]
I also have brain pressure feeling
But I heard intense symptoms should be gone within 2-3 weeks?
submitted by Designer-Fault4701 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 rrmdp 📢 Disney is hiring a Sr. Systems Reliability Engineer!

📢 Disney is hiring a Sr. Systems Reliability Engineer! Company: Disney
Location: Glendale, CA 📍
Salary: 138K - 186K 💰
Date Posted: January 17, 2025 📅
Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=echojobs.io&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly9lY2hvam9icy5pby9qb2IvZGlzbmV5LXNyLXN5c3RlbXMtcmVsaWFiaWxpdHktZW5naW5lZXItbjZqYTQ=
submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 Vegetable_Ease_3662 I'm pretty sure it's more than 4 stars before.

I'm pretty sure it's more than 4 stars before. submitted by Vegetable_Ease_3662 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 YouRD0GSH1T Karl Lauterbach ist Fler Fan.

Karl Lauterbach ist Fler Fan. submitted by YouRD0GSH1T to FLER [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 chibulls4lyf Aussie looking for friends to finally hit level 50! Currently level 43! Hope this works 🙏

submitted by chibulls4lyf to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 Sweaty-Peach-6395 Uwian

submitted by Sweaty-Peach-6395 to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 ReadyPollution8094 New to learning makeup. This is first time I practised on someone. Please give suggestions.

I am learning makeup. I want to know what can I do to improve. What could I have done better. Need everyone opinions. Please provide me good suggestions. I am from India. English is not my first language.
submitted by ReadyPollution8094 to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:42 DutchBakerery Slik det skal gjøres 🤝

submitted by DutchBakerery to norge [link] [comments]
